Tuesday, February 01, 2005

MY Initial (pitiful) Attempts

Just in case anyone thinks I've got this being raw 'in the bag', let me assure you it isn't so.

That's good to know, as I think I'll shoot for maybe 60% or 70% rawwie myself.

So far, my own personal pitiful (pitiful compared to all of iconomy's recipes) attempt is just to eat anything raw I can get my hands on. Yesterday I bought a 1# bag of carrots for the drive home and ended up eating almost the whole thing.

You're right, it does get easier. After I thought I was done with those carrots, my hand just kept reaching in the bag. And two days ago I forced myself to eat a salad, while yesterday I craved it. I had four bananas and a huge salad yesterday too, and half an acorn squash last night, but it was lightly broiled in water.

Anyway, I've eaten as much fruits and vegetables in the last two days as I had in the two, maybe even three months prior to that. That can't be bad.

I used to be the type of vegetarian who just didn't eat meat, but never actually ate vegetables. More of a "non-meat-aterian." It feels good now to be eating the green stuff.


Blogger shane said...

That's kind of the first step of being an "ethical" vegetarian, iconomy. You just don't want to eat meat, but you have no nutritional plan. So you end up at the junk food machine at work or buying boxes of HoHos in the grocery store ... then hopefully later you learn how unhealthy all that is, or maybe you learn that HoHos and Suzie-Qs and such have animal fat in them, or that refined sugar is filtered through cattle bone char (which is a surreal scenario itself, as the cattle are required to have "died natural deaths" and so are imported from Afghanistan or India.)

Anyway, many of us veggies have been junk-food veggies at some stage, heh.

February 1, 2005 at 8:15 AM  

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